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Removing prefix from figure captions in LaTeX

People also ask

How do I remove Figure 1 from captions?

Figure 1. The Caption dialog box. Using the Label drop-down list, choose the caption label you want to delete. Click on Delete Label.

How do you break a line caption in LaTeX?

Alternatively, you can use \protect\linebreak , also without caption package. For a short caption text, it works the same as \\\hspace{\textwidth} .

How do you force a caption below a figure in LaTeX?

Caption. It is usually beneficial to include caption to your images. To do so, simply use the command \caption{'text'} either below or above your figure (usually below for images and above for tables).

First use the caption package and then use the command \caption* in this way

\caption*{some text}

instead of \caption{some text}

Logic is the same in avoiding numbering of sections and subsections and many other objects

\subsection*{Name of unnumbered subsection}

You can use the caption package and do this:


Instead of defining the caption style when loading the caption package, set it up afterwards:

\usepackage{caption}% http://ctan.org/pkg/caption

These changes will now only pertain to figure environments.

You can use


to turn the caption text off and then use


to turn the caption text on again if you want it to be different in different sections.