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Removing a header name in react table and making it empty


I am trying to create a new checkbox column for a react table. I don't need a header name for the checkbox column. If I put in an empty string in the header, my app crashes and I get the error message below

    const columns = React.useMemo(
        () => [
             //id: 'checkbox',
            Header: '',
            accessor: '',
            width: 25,
            Cell: ({ row }: any) => {
              return <input type='checkbox' className={classes.mystyle} />
            Header: 'Jungle Name',
            accessor: 'JungleMan',

How can I do this with an empty Header?

enter image description here

like image 556
Baba Avatar asked Apr 23 '20 20:04


1 Answers

The answers provided in the comments are technically correct, but also very much a hack. There is a non-workaround method of doing this: simply provide an id key to the Column. This use of id is described in the useTable hook docs:

Technically speaking, [accessor] isn't required if you have a unique id for a column.

A name like "checkbox" won't fly, because of the requirement to be unique. Thus, it should probably be slightly more descriptive. Furthermore, Header is explicitly an Optional property -- you can omit it entirely, to no detriment.

Therefore, your column can just look like:

   const columns = React.useMemo(
        () => [
            id: 'checkbox-table-column'
            width: 25,
            Cell: ({ row }: any) => {
              return <input type='checkbox' className={classes.mystyle} />
            Header: 'Jungle Name',
            accessor: 'JungleMan',

(Also: fixed the minor typo where the dependency array wasn't passed to useMemo. It'll let you do it, but less chances for failure if you pass one, even empty, yourself.)

like image 169
toki Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
