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Remove the last "\n" from a textarea

Only remove the last newline characters (\n):

verses1 = "1\n222\n"
verses1.replace(/\n$/, "")
// "1\n222"

verses2 = "1\n222\n\n"
verses2.replace(/\n$/, "")
// "1\n222\n"

Only all the last newlines (\n):

verses = "1\n222\n\n"
verses.replace(/\n+$/, "")
// "1\n222"


from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trim_%28programming%29

String.prototype.trim = function() {
  return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

That will add a trim function to string variables that will remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.

With this you can do stuff like:

var mystr = "this is my string   "; // including newlines
mystr = mystr.trim();

$.trim() should do the trick!

It trims whitespace and newline characters from the beginning and ending of the specified string.

I personally like lodash for trimming newlines from strings. https://lodash.com/
