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Making Sense of 'No Shadowed Variable' tslint Warning

I have a function that checks for the current stage in a sequential stream, based on a particular discipline that is passed in, and, according to that value, assigns the next value in my Angular 2 app. It looks something like this:

private getNextStageStep(currentDisciplineSelected) {
    const nextStageStep = '';
        if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 1') {
            const nextStageStep = 'step 2';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 2') {
            const nextStageStep = 'step 3';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 3') {
            const nextStageStep = 'step 4';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 4') {
            const nextStageStep = 'step 5';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 5') {
            const nextStageStep = 'step 6';
    return nextStageStep;

What I'm doing here is returning the value of nextStageStep, because that's what I'll be then passing in order for the correct stage step to happen.

Right now, my tslint is underlining each of the nextStageStep variable occurrences with the warning no shadowed variables. If I remove the line where I initialize to an empty string that warning goes away, but then I get the error, Cannot find nextStageStep showing up in my return statement.

What is the issue with the original shadowed variable warning, and is there an alternative way to write this, and/or should I simply ignore the tslint warning in this situation?

like image 769
Rey Avatar asked Jun 30 '17 18:06


People also ask

What is shadowed variable Tslint?

When a variable in a local scope and a variable in the containing scope have the same name, shadowing occurs. Shadowing makes it impossible to access the variable in the containing scope and obscures to what value an identifier actually refers to.

How do you avoid variable shadowing?

How to avoid variable shadowing? To modify a global variable, and avoid variable shadowing python provides global keyword which tells python to use the global version of the variable, instead of creating a new locally scoped variable.

What does shadowed name mean in typescript?

It means you've shadowed the name err ; you're using the same name for the error in two nested callbacks, so the outer error is inaccessible in the inner callback body. As to how to solve it: use a different name for one of them. – jonrsharpe. May 28, 2018 at 8:28.

What is no shadow in Eslint?

Disallow variable declarations from shadowing variables declared in the outer scope.

How to disable shadowed variable in TSLint?

Locate and open your tslint.json file and set the following setting to false "no-shadowed-variable": false, When using visual studio, a restart of visual studio might be required. Share Follow answered May 1 '20 at 15:00

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When set to false parameters, classes, enums and variables declared with let or const are not considered shadowed if the shadowing occurs within their temporal dead zone. The following example shows how the "temporalDeadZone" option changes the linting result:

Does shadowing a constant mean it's illegal?

Your example isn't shadowing the constant T, but the original question is with nextStageStep. Shadowing doesn't mean the constant is being redefined illegally (const x = 1; const x = 2), just that there could be an error if you mistake which var/const/let you refer to.

Why does the Linter complain when I change the same variable?

7 Answers 7 ActiveOldestVotes 67 The linter complains because you are redefining the same variable multiple times. Thus replacing the ones in the closure containing it.

3 Answers

The linter complains because you are redefining the same variable multiple times. Thus replacing the ones in the closure containing it.

Instead of redeclaring it just use it:

private getNextStageStep(currentDisciplineSelected) {
    let nextStageStep = '';
        if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 1') {
             nextStageStep = 'step 2';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 2') {
             nextStageStep = 'step 3';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 3') {
             nextStageStep = 'step 4';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 4') {
             nextStageStep = 'step 5';
        } else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 5') {
             nextStageStep = 'step 6';
    return nextStageStep;
like image 147
toskv Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10


This has to do with defining the same variable in different scopes. You are defining nextStageStep within the function scope & also within each if block. One option is to get rid of the variable declarations in the if blocks

if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 1') {
   nextStageStep = 'step 2';
} else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 2') {
   nextStageStep = 'step 3';
} else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 3') {
   nextStageStep = 'step 4';
} else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 4') {
   nextStageStep = 'step 5';
} else if (this.stageForDiscipline(this.currentDisciplineSelected) === 'step 5') {
   nextStageStep = 'step 6';

Here is a good resource on shadowed variables http://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-shadow

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LLai Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10


In general,
When a variable in a local scope and a variable in the containing scope have the same name, shadowing occurs. Shadowing makes it impossible to access the variable in the containing scope and obscures to what value an identifier actually refers to.

const a = 'no shadow';
function print() {
print(); // logs 'no shadow'.

const a = 'no shadow';
function print() {
    const a = 'shadow'; // TSLint will complain here.
print(); // logs 'shadow'.

Refer to this article for code samples explaining this.

like image 7
Junaid Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
