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Remove "Remaining deprecation notices" in Symfony 2.8

I'm new on Symfony and PHPUnit.

I would like to run some tests, there are a lot of deprecation notices. But it does not matter because I'll stay on Symfony 2.8 for now. Do you know if it's possible to remove them?

enter image description here

I try to find out by myself, but it's not working, have you got some ideas for me folks ?

How to remove the deprecation warnings in Symfony 2.7?

Disable deprecated warning in Symfony 2(.7)


Reference to the answer of @LBA

My screenshot is not really about the error of the AsseticBundle, but about the "Remaining deprecation notices (220)". I would like to know if there is a flag somewhere to display, or not, these warnings. I would like to just have the result of my test suit. Is that possible?

like image 907
Chilipote Avatar asked Mar 09 '16 16:03


1 Answers

Finally found the solution !

Just add

<php>     <env name="SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER" value="weak" /> </php> 

to your phpunit.xml (or any other file that you use to configure phpunit)

like image 75
Romain Bigz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Romain Bigz