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Remove RecyclerView scroll effects

People also ask

How do I stop recycler view from scrolling?

As setLayoutFrozen is deprecated, You can disable scrolling by freezing your RecyclerView by using suppressLayout . Show activity on this post. You can disable scrolling by freezing your RecyclerView.

How do you check if my RecyclerView is scrolling or not?

You can use Scroll listener to detect scroll up or down changes in RecyclerView . RecycleView invokes the onScrollStateChanged() method before onScrolled() method. The onScrollStateChanged() method provides you the RecycleView's status: SCROLL_STATE_IDLE : No scrolling.

What is linear layout manager in Android?

LayoutManager implementations that lays out items in a grid. WearableLinearLayoutManager. This wear-specific implementation of LinearLayoutManager provides basic offsetting logic for updating child layout. A RecyclerView. LayoutManager implementation which provides similar functionality to ListView .

Add this to your layout:



    android:scrollbars="vertical" />

And in Java you would do


or in Kotlin

recyclerView.overScrollMode = View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER