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Remove not_exist_already node from mnesia cluster(scheme)




I have a bad node (it doesn't exist) in the mnesia cluster data when I get:

> mnesia:system_info(db_nodes)
[bad@node, ...]

How do I remove it from the cluster?

I tried:

> mnesia:del_table_copy(scheme, bad@node).
{aborted,{not_active,"All replicas on diskfull nodes are not active yet"...

What does this mean? How can I fix it?

Update. Before remove node from schema we need to stop mnesia on it

like image 478
vinnitu Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 16:09


1 Answers

I had a similar problem years ago. What you are trying to do is remove an offline node, which as far as I am aware was impossible in earlier versions of mnesia.

You can however connect to the cluster using a dummy node named bad@node, and started with a tweaked system.config of the original clustered node. Once its online remove from the cluster.

like image 98
expelledboy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
