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Remove ion item divider

How I can remove <ion-item> divider? I have the following code to show 4 items in a row:

<ion-row ion-list>     <ion-col width-25 *ngFor="let player of players">               <ion-item color="dark">                   <ion-avatar item-left>                       <img [src]="photo" class="img img-circle"/>                   </ion-avatar>                   {{user.name}}               </ion-item>               </ion-col>             </ion-row> 

and the output shows 4 images in a row, as excepted, but each image has a white divider below it. I don't want any divider.

I tried to set style="border:none" but it didn't do it.

like image 424
TheUnreal Avatar asked Dec 29 '16 08:12


People also ask

How do you remove the border on an ion-item?

May be ion-col, ion-row has some css which is showing the border. Usually in grid systems there is padding in place to create "air" between the blocks. I think style="padding: 0" on your ion-col element should do the trick.

How do you remove Click effect from an ion-item?

Simply give pointer-events:none css to disable click. Show activity on this post. This will remove ripple effect but will keep the element clickable. For example, you can have ion-checkbox inside ion-item and pointer-events:none; will prevent from clicking on it which might not be the behaviour that you need.

How do you hide ion items?

In Ionic 4 you can use ion-hide as well as add breakpoints to determine when to hide based on the screen width.

2 Answers

For whatever reason, this didn't work for me. But having lines="none" worked great.

For ionic v4

<ion-item lines="none">...</ion-item>

Pulled from ionic docs. https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/list

like image 35
Rmalmoe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09


This is for ionic 2 and 3. Please refer to this answer for higher versions of ionic

use no-lines

<ion-row ion-list>     <ion-col width-25 *ngFor="let player of players">          <ion-item no-lines color="dark"><!-- here -->               <ion-avatar item-left>                   <img [src]="photo" class="img img-circle"/>               </ion-avatar>               {{user.name}}          </ion-item>      </ion-col> </ion-row> 
like image 133
Suraj Rao Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Suraj Rao