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Ionic - Error: Cannot find module 'android-versions'

When a try to run

ionic run android --device

I'm getting an error of module:

Error: Cannot find module 'android-versions'


java -version 
  java version "1.8.0_144"
Android studio Version 2.3.3
ionic -v
cordova -v
like image 597
ehh Avatar asked Oct 07 '17 20:10


3 Answers

I found the problem and expect help somebody. I just run

npm install android-versions --save

in the project folder and worked.

like image 104
ehh Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11


Not sure if this will help some other Ionic developers, but I was getting the same Error: Cannot find module 'android-versions' and I fixed it by removing and adding the Android platform again:

ionic cordova platform remove android --save

And then

ionic cordova platform add android --save
like image 42
sebaferreras Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


If anyone is having this issue while using yarn and even after adding android-versions... it seems that there are differences in yarn/npm files which break...

I ended up removing my node_modules folder, then installing it with npm instead of yarn. It worked!

like image 4
Hugo H Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

Hugo H