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Firebase Data Desc Sorting in Android

I am storing data in Firebase storage.

Object Comment with attribute timestamp. When I push data from device to Firebase I'm populating timestamp with currentTime and store in long data type.

When I do retrieving the data with firebaseRef.orderByChild("timestamp").limitToLast(15) result is not sorting how I expected.

I even played around with rules and no result:

{     "rules": {         ".read": true,         ".write": true,         ".indexOn": "streetrate",         "streetrate": {           ".indexOn": ".value"         }     } } 

I tried store timestamp in String data type, same issue.

like image 883
Farrukh Okhunov Avatar asked Dec 08 '15 13:12

Farrukh Okhunov

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1 Answers

Firebase can order the items in ascending order by a given property and then returns either the first N items (limitToFirst()) or the last N items (limitToLast()). There is no way to indicate that you want the items in descending order.

There are two options to get the behavior you want:

  1. Use a Firebase query to get the correct data, then re-order it client-side

  2. Add a field that has a descending value to the data

For the latter approach, it is common to have a inverted timestamp.

-1 * new Date().getTime(); 
like image 145
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Frank van Puffelen