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Remove closed editor windows from Ctrl-Tab switcher?

Say I have the following files open in IntelliJ

Foo | Bar | CloseMe*

As you can see, CloseMe is currently open. If I close CloseMe, the editor switches to Bar and my tabs look like this:

Foo | Bar*

However, if I press Ctrl+Tab then CloseMe opens up again, instead of Foo as I would expect.

Foo | Bar | CloseMe*

Is there some way to remove closed files from the Switcher?

like image 357
Cory Klein Avatar asked Mar 25 '15 23:03

Cory Klein

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1 and when I want to reopen a recently closed tab (CMD + Shift + Tab - Chrome feature) it opens the closed file in the current tab.

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1 Answers

This was annoying me beyond belief.

As far as I know, there is no way to change the functionality of Switcher (Ctrl+Tab) from inside of IntelliJ.

To solve this problem I recommend using TabSwitch plugin for IntelliJ. It cycles through open files only. After installing the plugin, assign the Ctrl+Tab keybind to Plug-ins -> TabSwitch -> Next tab and voilà, closed tabs don't interfere anymore.

On a side note, why would they change it that it would do identical thing with Recent Files (Ctrl+E)? I see no logic behind this change... It's such a stupid change that I believe it is a bug.

like image 73
Antimonit Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11
