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Displaying Console and Debugger at same time in IntelliJ

The default layout has the debugger and console on separate tabs. I see that I can pop the Console as a floating window and even add it as a tab to the "Variables" or "Watches" pane in the Debugger tab. I'd like to have a layout that displays the Console and Debugger information at the same time (like a split pane, or a separate pane on the "Debugger" tab because it is useful to see the output to console while stepping through the debugger.

Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished? I'm using IntelliJ 13.1

like image 285
Sanjiv Jivan Avatar asked Apr 22 '14 13:04

Sanjiv Jivan

1 Answers

All you can do is to drag one of the window icons(either debugger or console) to the other window and put onto the portion as you want. There will be purple highlighted box. This is how my debugger/console windows look like:

Debugger and Console on the same window

like image 51
sunraincyq Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10
