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Remove border/bg images on select on chrome (mac)

I'm styling a print css file to nicely print out a web page with several input elements. All looks good when printed from PC browsers but when I look at chrome on Mac a select element prints out with the rounded corners and select arrows in black (see img)

(source: onexamination.com)

css on this is

input, select {

border: none;
overflow: visible; 
background: none;


How do you get rid of the background things - dont even know what to call them, are they images !?

like image 862
Simon Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 04:02


1 Answers

Managed to find a solution to this...

-webkit-appearance: none;

This seems to remove all rendering on the element and leave it just as the selected text when printed out.

like image 108
Simon Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 11:02
