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How can I make my HTML table be 100% wide AND have all of its cells only be as wide as their contents?

I have this grid:

enter image description here

If I change the tables width from 100% to auto, table collapses horizontally.

enter image description here

Which is not desirable. How can I make the table columns (td elements) shrink automatically to fit their content, while at the same time, the table, and tr elements fill the entire space of their parent?

like image 471
Saeed Neamati Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 15:02

Saeed Neamati

1 Answers

How can I make the table columns (td elements) shrink automatically to fit their content, while at the same time, the table, and tr elements fill the entire space of their parent?

<table> and <tr> elements are as wide as the <td> elements inside of them. You can’t have every <td> be as small as its contents and have the table as a whole be as wide as the space available, because the table can only be as wide as the cells inside it.

(i.e. unlike most HTML elements, <table> elements can’t be sized independently from their contents.)

You can set one cell to be as wide as possible though, by giving it a width of 100%:

<table style="width: 100%; background: grey; color: white;">
         <td style="background: red;">Content</td>
         <td style="background: green;">Content</td>
         <td style="background: blue; width: 100%;">Content</td>

See http://jsfiddle.net/9bp9g/

like image 63
Paul D. Waite Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 22:02

Paul D. Waite