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Remove all styling from Primefaces components?




Is it possible to remove all styling from Primefaces components? I mean, the component set is good but having to manually override every tiny bit of each component to make the component style fit the overall design of my application isn't good. I can't use hours on using Firebug to find which classes etc it uses and all that.

So is there no way to remove this and only use the components for their functionality and provide your own design instead of being forced to use the default....or one of the "themes"?

like image 808
LuckyLuke Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 09:04


3 Answers

Set primefaces.THEME context parameter to none and you'll get a functional ui with no styles.


You don't need to spend hours editing styles. Styling of PrimeFaces is done via shared styles like ui-widget-header, ui-widget-content which you can customize via the themeroller web form. I don't think JSF and theming can get any easier than PrimeFaces.

like image 61
Cagatay Civici Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Cagatay Civici

PrimeFaces inserts two CSS files by default, theme.css and primefaces.css. You can remove theme.css by putting the following to web.xml:


Then you can overwrite primefaces.css by creating an empty file in:

like image 40
Adam Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10


Older PF versions (<6.0)

If you want to use the primefaces with your own css's wouldn't it be easier to create your own theme using the jQuery UI - ThemeRoller ?

Here's a link to how you create your own Theme for PrimeFaces

Newer PF versions (6.0 and up)

More recently PrimeFaces introduced the 'Designer API' Since PF components have more features, the themeroller is not that suitable anymore. The Designer API is SASS based and allows you to create really good themes

like image 11
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10
