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"Remote System Explorer Operation" causing freeze for couple of seconds



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What is RemoteSystemsTempFiles eclipse?

If you're using Atelier, you may have noticed a project called "RemoteSystemsTempFiles" in the Atelier Explorer and Project Explorer views. This project is automatically created by the Eclipse Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) on start-up. The RSE allows you to connect to and work with a variety of remote systems.

Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the Windows > Preferences menu
  2. Select General > Startup and Shutdown in the tree
  3. Uncheck RSE UI
  4. Select Remote Systems in the tree
  5. Uncheck Re-open Remote Systems view to previous state
  6. Restart Eclipse

Note: You must have Eclipse 4.3.1 (or newer) due to a bug on previous version

Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the Windows > Preferences menu
  2. Select General > Workspace > Build Order in the tree
  3. Uncheck Use default build order
  4. Select RemoteSystemsTempFiles
  5. Click Remove Project
  6. Click Apply and Close

This was driving me crazy too.

Thanks to this topic I got to understand it was the plugin RSE, but I could not uninstall the Remote System Explorer plugin tool either. I had to remove all the plugins whose name started by org.eclipse.rse in plugins/, it's working now.

I'm having this issue also.

I have found that the operation is part of the Remote System Explorer plugin which comes packaged with SpringSource 3.3 (Kepler). Trying to figure out how to uninstall it now. Will post back here once I find it.

Information on how to install can be found here (step 3): http://www.patrickjwaters.com/blog/2011-07-24/how-setup-eclipse-php-pdt-remote-system-explorer-theme-manager-and-drupal-plugins/35

As for uninstall I'm still trying (the option to uninstall is greyed out for me in the installation details panel).

I've tried Windows > Preferences > Remote Systems, setting everything to false but the problem still occurred.

We've since moved to a Vanilla install of Eclipse Kepler and just added the plugins we require (excluding Remote System Explorer). This has fixed the issue.

Close the Git-Staging View !

I had the same Problem on my Eclipse 4.3 Kepler. After removing (closing) the Git-Staging View the Problem was resolved !

I have experienced "Remote System Explorer Operation" tasks running on resource save.

Kepler + AspectJ + SpringSource In my case, it was caused by invalid aspectj pointcut definitions. I had 30 pointcuts and 4 of them referenced a deleted class. I have noticed blinking Spring AOP markers.

After I have fixed the pointcuts, the freezing stopped.