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Best GUI designer for eclipse? [closed]

Window Builder Pro is a great GUI Designer for eclipse and is now offered for free by google.

Here is a quite good but old comparison http://wiki.computerwoche.de/doku.php/programmierung/gui-builder_fuer_eclipse Window Builder Pro is now free at Google Web Toolkit

Look at my plugin for developing swing application. It is as easy as that of netbeans': http://code.google.com/p/visualswing4eclipse/

'Jigloo' is a very cool GUI designer. It is not free for commercial use however. It auto-generates code and allows for custom editing of the code it creates.


Another good GUI designer for Eclipse is Window Builder Pro. Like Jigloo, it's not free for commercial use.

It allows you to design user interfaces for Swing, SWT and even the Google Web Toolkit (GWT).

Visual Editor is a good choice.

It generates very clean code, with no "layout" files beside of your sourcen using a simple but convenient pattern. It's very easy to patch the generated code and directly see the result. There are some stability problems (some times, the preview window does not refresh anymore...), but nothing that a "clean Project" can't fix...