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Reload a DLL which has been imported with DllImport





My C# application (.NET Framework 4.0) imports an external unmanaged DLL with the following code:

[DllImport("myDLL.dll"), EntryPoint="GetLastErrorText"]
private static extern IntPtr GetLastErrorText();

Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in the third-party DLL. As a workaround I would need to unload the DLL and reload it afterwards. How can I do this? I've seen several posts but they all talk about managed DLLs.

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Robert Strauch Avatar asked Dec 20 '12 07:12

Robert Strauch

2 Answers

You can write a wrapper around the library that manages the access to it. Then you can use native methods to call the library. Take a look at this blog post.

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Carsten Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09


I think you'll need to go down to using LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary/GetProcAddress as shown in Difference between dllimport and getProcAddress : Abbreviated sample (no error handling) below:

   private delegate Bool BarType(Byte arg); 
   IntPtr pDll= LoadLibrary("foo.dll");
   IntPtr pfunc = GetProcAddress(pDll, "bar");
   BarType bar = (BarType)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pFunc, typeof(BarType));
   var ok = bar(arg);
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Alexei Levenkov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Alexei Levenkov