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Relationship between Bundle Identifier in Info.plist and App ID and iTunes Connect

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get my app on iTunes connect with the app loader. I think the problem is the connections between the ID's, and how they all need to match up. Could someone please explain this too me?

My situation -

Bundle Identifier in Info.plist com.<domain>.<appname>

Distribution Provisioning Profiles App ID in iOS Provisioning Profile <10 digit 'bundle seed'>.com.<domain>.<appname>

'Bundle ID' produced in iTunes Connect com.<domain>.<appname>

Is this all correct?


like image 699
AveragePro Avatar asked Oct 09 '10 21:10


1 Answers

Yes. They are right

like image 153
Mugunth Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
