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Regular expression timezone

I need a regular expression for valid time zone, tried the following one.
But I'm not sure about it.
Please help me to find out anything wrong in the following regular expression.


Here colon and minutes are optional. how can i change it to mandatory.
If there is no minutes user should input 00 (+05:00). Please help me to solve this issue.

var chkzone = "+05:30"
if(chkzone .match(/^(Z|[+-](?:2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9])(?::?(?:[0-5]?[0-9]))?)$/))
    alert('works out');
    alert("Time zone wrong")
like image 753
Dibish Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 12:03


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1 Answers

The following regex matches timezones with mandatory double digit hours/minutes, or the letter Z:



^            # Start of string
(?:          # Match the following non-capturing group:
 Z           # Either a literal Z
|            # or
 [+-]        # a plus or minus sign
 (?:         # followed by this non-capturing group:
  2[0-3]     # Either a number between 20 and 23
 |           # or
  [01][0-9]  # a number between 00 and 19
 )           # End of inner non-capturing group
 :           # Match a literal colon
 [0-5][0-9]  # Match a number between 00 and 59
)            # End of outer non-capturing group
$            # End of string

See it live on regex101.com.

like image 121
Tim Pietzcker Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Tim Pietzcker