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html5 canvas doesn't fill text at coordinates (0,0)

Why does the canvas not do anything for fillText(text, 0,0) but works for fillText(text, 10, 10)?

fillText(text, 0,0): http://jsfiddle.net/kFhQm/4/

fillText(text, 10, 10): http://jsfiddle.net/kFhQm/5/

like image 368
TheOne Avatar asked Jan 12 '13 01:01


1 Answers

The second argument is the Y coordinate for the baseline of the text (the default textBaseline is "alphabetic") , so the text is being drawn above the visible canvas element when you use 0.


You could use a different number or alternatively, change the textBaseline property to something suitable, such as "top".

ctx.textBaseline = "top";


like image 134
alex Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
