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Regular Expression for partial match length - String similarity

Say I have the string "Torcellite" and another string "Tor" - the similarity length of these two strings is 3 since both of them begin with "Tor". Now another string "christmas" and "mas" would have a similarity of 0 since they do not begin with the same set of characters.

In both cases, the second string is a suffix of the first string.

A clearer example:

Length of string: 1 to 10^5

String: abaabc

Suffixes: abaabc, baabc, aabc, abc, bc, c

Similarity: abaabc, none, a, ab, none, none

Similarity Length: 6, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0

Answer: 6+0+1+2+0+0 = 9

I have an inefficient logic to find these partial suffixes matches using regex.


  • Find all the substrings of the given string.
  • Make a pattern from the substrings of the suffixes.

    for(int i=1; i<substrings[i].length; i++) {
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^"+substrings[i].substring(0, i));
        Matcher m = p.find(string); //the given string for which similarities need to be  calculated
            similaryLengths +=  i;
  • The complexity for this becomes roughly O(n^2) since I need to run through the string for suffixes and then the substrings for patterns.

  • I've thought of using grouping in the pattern to find the groups but I'm unsure what the regex would look like. What I have in mind is for the very first substring is: ((((((a)b)a)a)b)c) and then find the longest group match.

Is there a more efficient algorithm that can achieve his?

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Karthik Balakrishnan Avatar asked Aug 11 '14 03:08

Karthik Balakrishnan

People also ask

What is a partial string matching?

(A partial match occurs if the whole of the element of x matches the beginning of the element of table .) Finally, all remaining elements of x are regarded as unmatched. In addition, an empty string can match nothing, not even an exact match to an empty string.

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The plus sign + is a greedy quantifier, which means one or more times. For example, expression X+ matches one or more X characters. Therefore, the regular expression \s matches a single whitespace character, while \s+ will match one or more whitespace characters.

How do you match a partial string in Python?

Use the in operator for partial matches, i.e., whether one string contains the other string. x in y returns True if x is contained in y ( x is a substring of y ), and False if it is not. If each character of x is contained in y discretely, False is returned.

2 Answers

The best approach, by far, would be to build a suffix tree on the input string. Building suffix trees takes only O(n) time where n is the length of the string. A suffix tree consists logically of a tree in which all the suffixes of the string can be found by walking from the root to each leaf. You can read Wikipedia for more details on how these trees work.

Essentially, a suffix tree will allow you to simply recast your current problem as one of "finding" the original string in the suffix tree. As you walk down the tree, you count the number of suffixes in each subtree, and multiply by your current match length to determine your score. This "search" takes O(n) time too.

So the final result is that you can solve the problem in guaranteed O(n) time and O(n) space, with O(n) preprocessing time. This is pretty efficient! And, there are no "worst cases" that produce quadratic behaviour. With that you can probably handle strings up to 10^7 in length easily.

The only difficulty in implementation will be building the suffix tree, but you can find freely available code for that.

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nneonneo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10


Simliar algorithm as already posted by Valdar Moridin, but without the need to create substrings (every call to substring will create a new String object that contains a copy of the specified range of the char[] of its source). This won't improve the time complexity, but probably reduces the total runtime for a constant factor:

public static int partialSuffixMatch(CharSequence input) {
    int count = input.length();
    for (int i = 1; i < input.length(); i++) {
        for (int a = 0, b = i; b < input.length(); a++, b++) {
            if (input.charAt(a) != input.charAt(b))
    return count;

After a short warmup, this algorithm processes a String with 10,000 equal characters in about 40 ms on my computer, and with 100,000 equal characters in about 4 seconds.

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isnot2bad Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
