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Programmatically configure PPTP/ L2TP VPN in Android

I have read about VpnService and VpnService.Builder but could not get any method to set vpn type to PPTP or L2TP, even I didn't get any method where I can set user/ password.

Note: There are many questions in SO I read them but didn't find solution. I looked into ToyVpn application but this there are only 3 parameters we set in this application.

Please help. If there is 3party API, please give the reference.

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Android Learner Avatar asked Dec 04 '12 13:12

Android Learner

1 Answers

Yes and all answers in stackoverflow should have told you that VPNService API is for creating your own VPN application with its own VPN stack (which could happen to be PPTP/LT2P/ToyVPN/OpenVPN/MyOwnVerySecure VPN protocol) and not to configure the system VPN.

An API to configure the System VPNs is simple not included in the SDK.

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plaisthos Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10
