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Registry vs. INI file for storing user configurable application settings [closed]

People also ask

What are the advantages of using the registry instead of initialization .INI files?

I've been asked a few times over the years why I use the Windows registry to store settings instead of INI files. The main answer is that it's a cleaner and easier to use interface for storing settings.

Why are INI files deprecated in favor of the registry?

Why are INI files deprecated in favor of the registry? There were many problems with INI files. INI files don't support Unicode. Even though there are Unicode functions of the private profile functions, they end up just writing ANSI text to the INI file.

Is an INI file a config file?

An INI file is a configuration file for computer software that consists of a text-based content with a structure and syntax comprising key–value pairs for properties, and sections that organize the properties.

What is the purpose of INI?

An INI file is a configuration file used by Windows programs to initialize program settings. It contains sections for settings and preferences (delimited by a string in square brackets) with each section containing one or more name and value parameters.

Pros of config file:

  1. Easy to do. Don't need to know any Windows API calls. You just need to know the file I/O interface of your programming language.
  2. Portable. If you port your application to another OS, you don't need to change your settings format.
  3. User-editable. The user can edit the config file outside of the program executing.

Pros of registry:

  1. Secure. The user can't accidentally delete the config file or corrupt the data unless he/she knows about regedit. And then the user is just asking for trouble.
  2. I'm no expert Windows programmer, but I'm sure that using the registry makes it easier to do other Windows-specific things (user-specific settings, network administration stuff like group policy, or whatever else).

If you just need a simple way to store config information, I would recommend a config file, using INI or XML as the format. I suggest using the registry only if there is something specific you want to get out of using the registry.

Jeff Atwood has a great article about Windows' registry and why is better to use .INI files instead.

My life would be a heck of a lot easier if per-application settings were stored in a place I could easily see them, manipulate them, and back them up. Like, say... in INI files.

  • The registry is a single point of failure. That's why every single registry editing tip you'll ever find starts with a big fat screaming disclaimer about how you can break your computer with regedit.
  • The registry is opaque and binary. As much as I dislike the angle bracket tax, at least XML config files are reasonably human-readable, and they allow as many comments as you see fit.
  • The registry has to be in sync with the filesystem. Delete an application without "uninstalling" it and you're left with stale registry cruft. Or if an app has a poorly written uninstaller. The filesystem is no longer the statement of record-- it has to be kept in sync with the registry somehow. It's a total violation of the DRY principle.
  • The registry is monolithic. Let's say you wanted to move an application to a different path on your machine, or even to a different machine altogether. Good luck extracting the relevant settings for that one particular application from the giant registry tarball. A given application typically has dozens of settings strewn all over the registry.

According to the documentation for GetPrivateProfileString, you should use the registry for storing initialisation information.

However, in so saying, if you still want to use .ini files, and use the standard profile APIs (GetPrivateProfileString, WritePrivateProfileString, and the like) for accessing them, they provide built-in ways to automatically provide "virtual .ini files" backed by the registry. Win-win!

There's a similar question here that covers some of the pros and cons.

I would suggest not using the registry unless your application absolutely needs it. From my understanding, Microsoft is trying to discourage the use of the registry due to the flexibility of settings files. Also, I wouldn't recommend using .ini files, but instead using some of the built-in functionality to .Net for saving user/app settings.

Use of an ini file, in the same directory as the application, makes it possible to back it up with the application. So after you reload your OS, you simply restore the application directory, and you have your configuration the way you want it.

There's one more advantage to using an INI file over the registry which I haven't seen mentioned: If the user is using some sort of volume/file based encryption, they can get the INI file to be encrypted pretty easily. With the registry it will probably be more problematic.

I agree with Daniel. If it's a large application I think I'd do things in the registry. If it's a small application and you want to have aspects of it user-configurable without making a configuration form, go for a quick INI file.

I usually do the parsing like this (if the format in the .ini file is option = value, 1 per line, comments starting with #):

static void Parse()
    StreamReader tr = new StreamReader("config.ini");
    string line;
    Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
        // Allow for comments and empty lines.
        if (line == "" || line.StartsWith("#"))

        string[] kvPair = line.Split('=');

        // Format must be option = value.
        if (kvPair.Length != 2)

        // If the option already exists, it's overwritten.
        config[kvPair[0].Trim()] = kvPair[1].Trim();

Edit: Sorry, I thought you had specified the language. The implementation above is in C#.