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Regex to find missing ConfigureAwait

I have a specific pattern that I want to search for in Visual Studio.

Basically, I want to search for lines that contains await, but are missing ConfigureAwait at the end of the statement.

I have some patterns that works in regex-testers such as regex101.com, but I can't get these patterns to work in Visual Studio search. For example, the pattern (?s)^(.)*(await)((?!ConfigureAwait).)*(.)?(;).

What I am doing wrong?

Edit - I want to find lines in my project such as

await DoSomeCoolThings(x, y); (i.e. missing the ConfigureAwait(...).)

but I don't want to get a match for lines such as:

await DoSomeCoolThings(x, y).ConfigureAwait(false);

like image 692
Superhubert Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 06:04


1 Answers

If the order of await and ConfigureAwait does not matter, then you can use


otherwise, if you consider that ConfigureAwait should come after await, you can use


Efficient Solution

like image 193
rock321987 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
