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regex optional word match



I'm trying to create a regex for extracting singers, lyricists. I was wondering how to make lyricists search optional.

Sample Multiline String:

Fireworks Singer: Katy Perry
Vogue Singers: Madonna, Karen Lyricist: Madonna

Regex: /Singers?:(.\*)\s?Lyricists?:(.\*)/

This matches the second line correctly and extracts Singers(Madonna, Karen) and Lyricists(Madonna)

But it does not work with the first line, when there are no Lyricists.

How do I make Lyricists search optional?

like image 758
Victor Avatar asked Mar 10 '11 02:03


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What is ?! In regex?

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2 Answers

You can enclose the part you want to match in a non-capturing group: (?:). Then it can be treated as a single unit in the regex, and subsequently you can put a ? after it to make it optional. Example:


Note that here the \s? is useless since .* will greedily eat all characters, and no backtracking will be necessary. This also means that the (?:Lyricists?:(.*)) part will never be matched for the same reason. You can use the non-greedy version of .*, .*? along with the $ to fix this:


Some extra whitespace ends up captured; this can be removed also, giving a final regex of:

like image 119
Cameron Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09


Just to add to Cameron's solution. if the source string has multiple lines each containing both Singers and Lyricists, you'll probably need to add the 'm' multi-line modifier so that the '$' will match ends-of-lines. (You didn't say what language you are using - you may want to add the 'i' modifier as well.)

like image 25
ridgerunner Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
