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Regex not operator




People also ask

Is there a not operator in regex?

No, there's no direct not operator.

What is not in regular expression?

NOT REGEXP in MySQL is a negation of the REGEXP operator used for pattern matching. It compares the given pattern in the input string and returns the result, which does not match the patterns. If this operator finds a match, the result is 0.

What does \+ mean in regex?

Example: The regex "aa\n" tries to match two consecutive "a"s at the end of a line, inclusive the newline character itself. Example: "a\+" matches "a+" and not a series of one or "a"s. ^ the caret is the anchor for the start of the string, or the negation symbol.

Is there an OR operator in regex?

You can use the | operator (logical OR) to match characters or expression of either the left or right of the | operator. For example the (t|T) will match either t or T from the input string.

Not quite, although generally you can usually use some workaround on one of the forms

  • [^abc], which is character by character not a or b or c,
  • or negative lookahead: a(?!b), which is a not followed by b
  • or negative lookbehind: (?<!a)b, which is b not preceeded by a

No, there's no direct not operator. At least not the way you hope for.

You can use a zero-width negative lookahead, however:

\((?!2001)[0-9a-zA-z _\.\-:]*\)

The (?!...) part means "only match if the text following (hence: lookahead) this doesn't (hence: negative) match this. But it doesn't actually consume the characters it matches (hence: zero-width).

There are actually 4 combinations of lookarounds with 2 axes:

  • lookbehind / lookahead : specifies if the characters before or after the point are considered
  • positive / negative : specifies if the characters must match or must not match.