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regex for usernames




I am trying to figure out how to setup a regex expression on doing the following requirements.

  • Must consist at least two characters that are alpha characters a-zA-Z
  • Must consist only ONE underscore or dash allowed anywhere AFTER the first check, the dash/underscore cannot be at the end as the same rule to apply as the first step
  • Must be alpha-numeric characters.

Basically a good example is

Acceptable Usernames

  • myusername_09
  • username-09
  • bw-09

Unacceptable Usernames

  • bw 09
  • bw--09
  • bw_-09
  • username__09

If any help would appreciate, this is what I had but its not working for me as what I want it to be.

like image 440
Benjamin Avatar asked Nov 13 '10 01:11


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1 Answers

If I understand your requirement correctly, you just need to validate that the username is correct? If so, I'd use this regex:


You did not say how many characters would be required after the dash or underscore; my example requires at least 2 more after. It can be altered as needed.

EDIT: I've added the ? after the [_-] to account for that being optional, per your comment below.

Some additional information on quantifiers:

  • {N,} means that there must be at least N characters from the preceding item to match.
  • {N} means there must be exactly N of the preceding.
  • {N,M} means there must be at least N, but no more than M.
  • ? means there must be 0 or 1 of the preceding.
  • + means there must be 1 or more.
  • * means there must be 0 or more.
like image 142
Andrew Barber Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Andrew Barber