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Regex for password policy [closed]

I need to enforce the following password policy :

at least 9 characters, with at least one character from each of the 4 character classes (alphabetic lower and upper case; numeric, symbols).

Any regex experts can help out here ? (I am using a Java regex engine)

While we're at it, is there any online tool that can generate a regex for these kind of tasks ?

Thanks !

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Michael Avatar asked Mar 29 '12 08:03


2 Answers


Note that this pattern doesn't include special utf chars like ö. I would not do this in one regex. I would split it and search for each thing, if you want to validate it.

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Dave Halter Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10

Dave Halter

Here's how I would do it (using positive lookahead):


Full example and test:

                       //    Regexp                Description
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?=.{9,})"   +     // "" followed by 9+ symbols
                            "(?=.*[a-z])" +     // --- ' ' --- at least 1 lower
                            "(?=.*[A-Z])" +     // --- ' ' --- at least 1 upper
                            "(?=.*[0-9])" +     // --- ' ' --- at least 1 digit
                            "(?=.*\\p{Punct})"+ // --- ' ' --- at least 1 symbol
                            ".*");              // the actual characters
String[] tests = {
        "aB99",         // too short
        "abcdefghijk",  // missing A
        "abcdefGHIJK",  // missing 5
        "12345678910",  // missing a
        "abcDEF12345",  // missing punct
        "abcDEF-2345"   // works!

for (String s : tests) {
    boolean matches = p.matcher(s).matches();
    System.out.printf("%-12s: %b%n", s, matches);


aB99        : false
abcdefghijk : false
abcdefGHIJK : false
12345678910 : false
abcDEF12345 : false
abcDEF-2345 : true

Final remark: The problem with this approach is that it's not very user friendly. If you are to give a sensible response to a user, such as "The password is missing a digit-symbol" you need to do the work again (to figure out which requirement failed).

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aioobe Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10
