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Regex for matching quotes and single quotes

I'm currently writing a parser for ColdFusion code. I'm using a regex (in c#) to extract the name datasource attribute of the cfquery tag.

For the time being the regex is the following <cfquery\s.*datasource\s*=\s*(?:'|")(.*)(?:'|")

it works well for strings like <cfquery datasource="myDS" or <cfquery datasource='myDS'

But it gets crazy when parsing strings like <cfquery datasource="#GetSourceName('myDS')#"

Obviously the part of the regex (?:'|") is the cause. Is there a way to only match single quote when the first match was a single quote? And only match the double quote when the first match was a double quote?

Thanks in advance!

like image 714
E. Jaep Avatar asked Jun 15 '11 20:06

E. Jaep

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2 Answers

Edit: I think this should work in C# you just need to do a back reference:


or perhaps


matches datasource="#GetSourceName('myDS')#" with a back reference to the first match with \1.

Of course, you cannot ignore the first capture group with ?: and still have this work. Also, you may want to set the lazy flag so as not to match additional "'s

like image 183
NullRef Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10


I would suggest using two different regexes if possible, or splitting the regex in a different way.

For a single regex, considering the question @Mike posted, ("[^"]*")|('[^']*') Then you can parse out the quotes.

The other potential way of doing this is by using lookahead/lookbehind, but that tends to get messy and isn't universally supported.

like image 26
Greg Jackson Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Greg Jackson