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RegEx expression that will capture everything between two characters including multiline blocks



I want to capture all text & blocks of text between <% and %>.

For example:

<title>Title Here</title>
<% include("/path/to/include") %>
<h1>Test Template</h1>
<p>Variable: <% print(second_var) %></p>

variable = value;

foreach(params here)
    code here

<p><a href="/" title="Home">Home</a></p>

I have tried \<\%(.*)\%\> but that will capture everything including <h1>Test Template</h1> block as well.

like image 868
Lark Avatar asked Oct 22 '10 20:10


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What is multiline in regex?

Multiline option, or the m inline option, enables the regular expression engine to handle an input string that consists of multiple lines. It changes the interpretation of the ^ and $ language elements so that they match the beginning and end of a line, instead of the beginning and end of the input string.

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In regex, the uppercase metacharacter is always the inverse of the lowercase counterpart. \d (digit) matches any single digit (same as [0-9] ). The uppercase counterpart \D (non-digit) matches any single character that is not a digit (same as [^0-9] ).

What is a capturing group regex?

Capturing groups are a way to treat multiple characters as a single unit. They are created by placing the characters to be grouped inside a set of parentheses. For example, the regular expression (dog) creates a single group containing the letters "d" "o" and "g" .

How do I capture a character in regex?

Parentheses group the regex between them. They capture the text matched by the regex inside them into a numbered group that can be reused with a numbered backreference. They allow you to apply regex operators to the entire grouped regex. (abc){3} matches abcabcabc.

2 Answers

Which regex engine are you using?


should work with the "dot matches newline" option enabled. If you don't know how to set that, try




No need to escape <, %, or > by the way.

like image 62
Tim Pietzcker Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Tim Pietzcker

\<\%(.*?)\%\>. You need to use .*? to get non-greedy pattern matching.

EDIT To solve the multiline problem, you can't use the . wildcard, as it matches everything except newline. This option differs depending on your regular expressions engine. So, I can tell you what to do if you tell me your regex engine.

like image 24
Rafe Kettler Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Rafe Kettler