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Regex - check if input still has chances to become matching

We've got such regexp:

var regexp = /^one (two)+ three/; 

So only string like "one two three" or "one two three four" or "one twotwo three" etc. will match it.

However, if we've got string like

"one " - is still 'promising' that maybe soon it will match

but this string: "one three" will never match no matter what we'll do.

Is there some way to check if given string have chances to become matching or not?

I need it for some tips during writing when I want to recommend all options that begins with given input (regexp's I'm using are pretty long and I dont want really to mess with them).

In other words - I want to check if string has ended during checking and nothing 'not matching' was faced.

In even more other words - Answer would be inside reason of not matching. If reason is end of string - then it would be promissing. However I dont know any way to check why some string didnt match

like image 731
Adam Pietrasiak Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 15:03

Adam Pietrasiak

People also ask

How do you check if a regex matches a string?

Use the test() method to check if a regular expression matches an entire string, e.g. /^hello$/. test(str) . The caret ^ and dollar sign $ match the beginning and end of the string. The test method returns true if the regex matches the entire string, and false otherwise.

Does empty regex match everything?

An empty regular expression matches everything.

How do you match a character except one regex?

To match any character except a list of excluded characters, put the excluded charaters between [^ and ] . The caret ^ must immediately follow the [ or else it stands for just itself. The character '. ' (period) is a metacharacter (it sometimes has a special meaning).

What is global match in regex?

The g flag indicates that the regular expression should be tested against all possible matches in a string. A regular expression defined as both global ( g ) and sticky ( y ) will ignore the global flag and perform sticky matches. You cannot change this property directly.

2 Answers

This is a regex feature known as partial matching, it's available in several regex engines such as PCRE, Boost, Java but not in JavaScript.

Andacious's answer shows a very nice way to overcome this limitation, we just need to automate this.

Well... challenge accepted :)

Fortunately, JavaScript has a very limited regex feature set with a simple syntax, so I wrote a simple parser and on-the-fly transformation for this task, based on the features listed on MDN. This code has been updated to handle ES2018 features.

A couple points of interest:

  • This produces a regex which will almost always match the empty string. Therefore a failed partial match occurs when the result of exec is null or an array whose first element is the empty string
  • Negative lookaheads are kept as-is. I believe that's the right thing to do. The only ways to fail a match is through them (ie put a (?!) in the regex) and anchors (^ and $). Lookbehinds (both positive and negative) are also kept as-is.
  • The parser assumes a valid input pattern: you can't create a RegExp object from an invalid pattern in the first place. This may break in the future if new regex features are introduced.
  • This code won't handle backreferences properly: ^(\w+)\s+\1$ won't yield a partial match against hello hel for instance.

RegExp.prototype.toPartialMatchRegex = function() {     "use strict";          var re = this,         source = this.source,         i = 0;          function process () {         var result = "",             tmp;          function appendRaw(nbChars) {             result += source.substr(i, nbChars);             i += nbChars;         };                  function appendOptional(nbChars) {             result += "(?:" + source.substr(i, nbChars) + "|$)";             i += nbChars;         };          while (i < source.length) {             switch (source[i])             {                 case "\\":                     switch (source[i + 1])                     {                         case "c":                             appendOptional(3);                             break;                                                      case "x":                             appendOptional(4);                             break;                                                      case "u":                             if (re.unicode) {                                 if (source[i + 2] === "{") {                                     appendOptional(source.indexOf("}", i) - i + 1);                                 } else {                                     appendOptional(6);                                 }                             } else {                                 appendOptional(2);                             }                             break;                          case "p":                         case "P":                             if (re.unicode) {                                 appendOptional(source.indexOf("}", i) - i + 1);                             } else {                                 appendOptional(2);                             }                             break;                          case "k":                             appendOptional(source.indexOf(">", i) - i + 1);                             break;                                                      default:                             appendOptional(2);                             break;                     }                     break;                                      case "[":                     tmp = /\[(?:\\.|.)*?\]/g;                     tmp.lastIndex = i;                     tmp = tmp.exec(source);                     appendOptional(tmp[0].length);                     break;                                      case "|":                 case "^":                 case "$":                 case "*":                 case "+":                 case "?":                     appendRaw(1);                     break;                                      case "{":                     tmp = /\{\d+,?\d*\}/g;                     tmp.lastIndex = i;                     tmp = tmp.exec(source);                     if (tmp) {                         appendRaw(tmp[0].length);                     } else {                         appendOptional(1);                     }                     break;                                      case "(":                     if (source[i + 1] == "?") {                         switch (source[i + 2])                         {                             case ":":                                 result += "(?:";                                 i += 3;                                 result += process() + "|$)";                                 break;                                                              case "=":                                 result += "(?=";                                 i += 3;                                 result += process() + ")";                                 break;                                                              case "!":                                 tmp = i;                                 i += 3;                                 process();                                 result += source.substr(tmp, i - tmp);                                 break;                              case "<":                                 switch (source[i + 3])                                 {                                     case "=":                                     case "!":                                         tmp = i;                                         i += 4;                                         process();                                         result += source.substr(tmp, i - tmp);                                         break;                                      default:                                         appendRaw(source.indexOf(">", i) - i + 1);                                         result += process() + "|$)";                                         break;                                         }                                 break;                         }                     } else {                         appendRaw(1);                         result += process() + "|$)";                     }                     break;                                      case ")":                     ++i;                     return result;                                      default:                     appendOptional(1);                     break;             }         }                  return result;     }          return new RegExp(process(), this.flags); };       // Test code (function() {     document.write('<span style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;">Regex: </span><input id="re" value="^one (two)+ three"/><br><span style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;">Input: </span><input id="txt" value="one twotw"/><br><pre id="result"></pre>');     document.close();      var run = function() {         var output = document.getElementById("result");         try         {             var regex = new RegExp(document.getElementById("re").value);             var input = document.getElementById("txt").value;             var partialMatchRegex = regex.toPartialMatchRegex();             var result = partialMatchRegex.exec(input);             var matchType = regex.exec(input) ? "Full match" : result && result[0] ? "Partial match" : "No match";             output.innerText = partialMatchRegex + "\n\n" + matchType + "\n" + JSON.stringify(result);         }         catch (e)         {             output.innerText = e;         }     };      document.getElementById("re").addEventListener("input", run);     document.getElementById("txt").addEventListener("input", run);     run(); }());

I tested it a little bit and it seems to work fine, let me know if you find any bugs.

like image 139
Lucas Trzesniewski Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Lucas Trzesniewski

Another interesting option that I have used before is to OR every character expected with the $ symbol. This may not work well for every case but for cases where you are looking at specific characters and need a partial match on each character, this works.

For example (in Javascript):

var reg = /^(o|$)(n|$)(e|$)(\s|$)$/;  reg.test('')      -> true; reg.test('o')     -> true; reg.test('on')    -> true; reg.test('one')   -> true; reg.test('one ')  -> true; reg.test('one t') -> false; reg.test('x')     -> false; reg.test('n')     -> false; reg.test('e')     -> false; reg.test(' ')     -> false; 

While this isn't the prettiest regex, it is repeatable so if you need to generate it dynamically for some reason, you know the general pattern.

The same pattern can be applied to whole words as well, which probably isn't as helpful because they couldn't type one-by-one to get to these points.

var reg = /^(one|$)(\stwo|$)$/;  reg.test('')        -> true; reg.test('one')     -> true; reg.test('one ')    -> false; reg.test('one two') -> true; 
like image 42
Andacious Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
