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Regarding JavaScript for() loop voodoo



I was for quite some time under the impression that a for loop could exist solely in the following format:


This is, however, most definitely not the case; take a look at this JavaScript implementation of the Fisher-Yates Shuffle:

shuffle = function(o)
    for (var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
    return o;

This little snippet completely blows my mind; how in the world is so much going on inside a simple for loop declaration? I mean... it doesn't even open a brace! All of the magic is being done right there inside the for statement. It'd be absolutely wonderful if somebody could provide a relatively thorough explanation as to how in the world this voodoo is doing what it does. Much appreciated in advance.

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Hexagon Theory Avatar asked Mar 23 '09 18:03

Hexagon Theory

2 Answers

shuffle = function(o){
     for (
          var j,                // declare j
              x,                // declare x
              i = o.length;     // declare i and set to o.length
          i;                    // loop while i evaluates true
          j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), // j=random number up to i
            x = o[--i],         // decrement i, and look up this index of o
            o[i] =  o[j],       // copy the jth value into the ith position
            o[j] = x            // complete the swap by putting the old o[i] into jth position
     return o;

This is starting with i equal to the number of positions, and each time swapping the cards i and j, where j is some random number up to i each time, as per the algorithm.

It could be more simply written without the confusing comma-set, true.

By the way, this is not the only kind of for loop in javascript. There is also:

 for(var key in arr) {
      value = arr[key]);

But be careful because this will also loop through the properties of an object, including if you pass in an Array object.

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Phil H Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 01:10

Phil H

The generalized format of a for loop (not a for-in loop) is


The first EXPRESSION_1 is usually used to initialize the loop variable, EXPRESSION_2 is the looping condition, and EXPRESSION_3 is usually an increment or decrement operation, but there are no rules that say they have to behave like that. It's equivalent to the following while loop:

while (EXPRESSION_2) {

The commas are just an operator that combines two expressions into a single expression, whose value is the second sub-expression. They are used in the for loop because each part (separated by semicolons) needs to be a single expression, not multiple statements. There's really no reason (except maybe to save some space in the file) to write a for loop like that since this is equivalent:

shuffle = function(o) {
    var j, x;
    for (var i = o.length; i > 0; i--) {
        j = parseInt(Math.random() * i);
        x = o[i - 1];
        o[i - 1] = o[j];
        o[j] = x;
    return o;
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Matthew Crumley Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10

Matthew Crumley