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Refreshing/Restarting PowerShell session w/out exiting

I have been tweaking some of the scripts in my PowerShell profile and it has got annoying to exit powershell then restart it so it will load any changes I have made to the scripts in my profile. Is it possible to restart the powershell session without exiting?

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shreddish Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 16:07


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You can use the “Run as Administrator” option to open a command prompt in administrator privileges. Restart-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell reboots the local computer.

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1: Reset PowerShell or Command Prompt to Default Settings If you know what setting you changed, you can revert by right-clicking on the top of a Powershell or Command Prompt window and click on Properites. Look for the setting you want to change. If you're not sure what was changed, click on Defaults.

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2 Answers

You can just do . $profile to source the profile again.

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manojlds Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09


This will start a new session, reloading your profile, in the same console window:

Invoke-Command { & "powershell.exe" } -NoNewScope # PowerShell 5 Invoke-Command { & "pwsh.exe"       } -NoNewScope # PowerShell 7 

Or a longer but more robust command, the following should work correctly across versions:

Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command { & "$_" } -NoNewScope } 

You will, of course, lose all your variables etc. from the previous session.

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nmbell Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
