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RSpec set session object

I'm trying to set a session object from my controller spec.

it 'use invalid coupon' do   session[:coupon] = 'abcd'         Service.any_instance.stub(:validate_coupon).with(session[:coupon]).and_return('abcd')    get :index   expect(flash[:coupon__notice]).to be nil end 

but when I inspect the session, instead of a @coupon object, I get a @data that contains the string 'coupon', and test fails.

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parov Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 10:03


2 Answers

In Rails 5+, if you are using ActionController::TestCase session is passed as a keyword arg.

Setting params and session would look like:

get(:show, params: {'id' => "12"}, session: {'user_id' => 5}) 

Setting only the session would look like,

get(:show, session: {'user_id' => 5}) 

If you are using ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest, which is the new default for for controller tests, you are not able to set the session variables and should set them by walking your test through the login flow.

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HParker Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10


This is explained in the Guide to Testing Rails Applications in section 4 "Functional Tests for your Controllers. The get action takes a params hash and a session hash, e.g.:

get(:show, {'id' => "12"}, {'user_id' => 5}) 

You should be able to pass in nil for the params hash in your example, then pass in your desired session parameters:

get :index, nil, {coupon: 'abcd'} 

I recommend a thorough reading of the Rails guide for anyone using RSpec for Rails testing. rspec-rails leverages the existing Rails test classes, a point which is not made very clear in the rspec-rails docs.

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zetetic Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 05:10
