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Referring to "this" in a parent closure in javascript

I want to do this in Javascript:

function Z( f )

function A()
  this.b = function()
    Z( function () { this.c() } );

  this.c = function()
    alert('hello world!');

var foo = new A();

It can be accomplished this way:

function Z( f )

function A()
  var self = this;
  this.b = function()
    Z( function () { self.c() } );

  this.c = function()
    alert('hello world!');

var foo = new A();

Is there a better way?

like image 896
Jonathan Swinney Avatar asked Oct 26 '10 00:10

Jonathan Swinney

1 Answers

Keeping a reference to the parent (like you have) is a good approach, however for your specific example there's no need for the anonymous wrapper, you can pass the function directly, like this:

var self = this;
this.b = function()

You can test it out here, and without this wrapper there's actually no need for the self variable, you can just use this directly, like this:

this.b = function()

You can test that version here.

Since there seems to be some confusion in the comments below, the above code maintains this for the question, if you want to maintain the this/context inside the callback as well, use .call() like this:

this.b = function()
  Z.call(this, this.c);

And for Z:

function Z( f )

You can test it here.

like image 106
Nick Craver Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Nick Craver