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Reference to System.Windows.Forms




I'm using C# to command something in Excel but when I type

using System.Windows.Forms

it's not recognized by Visual Studio When I added the reference, I have this error message

A reference to 'System_Windows_Forms' could not be added. The ActiveX type library '...' was exported from a .NET assembly and cannot be added as a reference. Add a reference to the .NET assembly instead

Do you have any solutions?

like image 343
nam Avatar asked May 02 '11 14:05


1 Answers

Did you try to add it from the COM-tab? Find the System.Windows.Forms.dll in the .NET-tab instead! (Sorting the dll-s by name makes it so much easier to find the right one.)

like image 156
simaglei Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
