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Refactored methods and binary compatibility in Java

When refactoring methods it is easy to introduce binary incompabilities (with previous versions of the code) in Java.

Consider changing a method to widen the type of its parameter to a parent interface:

 void doSomething(String x);

 // change it to

 void doSomething(CharSequence c);

All the code that uses this method will continue to compile without changes, but it does require a re-compile (because the old binaries will fail with a MethodNotFoundError).

How about pulling a method up into a parent class. Will this require a re-compile?

// before
public class B extends A{
    protected void x(){};

// after
public class A {
    public void x(){};
public class B extends A{}

The method has been moved from B to the parent A. It has also changed visibility from protected to public (but that is not a problem).

Do I need to maintain a "binary compatibility wrapper" in B, or will it continue to work (automatically dispatch to the parent class)?

 // do I need this ?
 public class B extends A{
     // binary compatibility wrapper
     public void x(){ super.x(); }
like image 601
Thilo Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 01:09


1 Answers

"Widening" affects the signature of the method so that is not binary compatible. Moving a method to a superclass does not affect the method signature, so it will work. Eclipse has a great document that describes API and ABI compatibility:


More explicit rules are in part 2:


I believe you're interested in "Change type of a formal parameter" (i.e., what you refer to as widening) or "Move API method up type hierarchy" (i.e., what you refer to as pull into a parent class).

like image 164
Brett Kail Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Brett Kail