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Reentrant lock and deadlock with Java

Can someone explain to me how Reentrant lock and deadlock relate to each other with Java code (pseudo) example?

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MatBanik Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 16:06


People also ask

What is reentrant lock in Java?

A ReentrantLock is owned by the thread last successfully locking, but not yet unlocking it. A thread invoking lock will return, successfully acquiring the lock, when the lock is not owned by another thread. The method will return immediately if the current thread already owns the lock.

What is deadlock in Java with example?

Deadlock in Java is a condition where two or more threads are blocked forever, waiting for each other. This usually happens when multiple threads need the same locks but obtain them in different orders. Multithreaded Programming in Java suffers from the deadlock situation because of the synchronized keyword.

What is the difference between lock and ReentrantLock?

Lock is an interface. It defines a set of methods that all locks should have. ReentrantLock is a concrete class that implements the Lock interface. It implements all the methods defined in Lock , plus much more.

1 Answers

A reentrant locking mechanism allows the thread holding the lock to re-enter a critical section. This means that you can do something like this:

public synchronized void functionOne() {

    // do something


    // do something else

    // redundant, but permitted...
    synchronized(this) {
        // do more stuff

public synchronized void functionTwo() {
     // do even more stuff!

In a non-reentrant lock, you would have a deadlock situation when you try to call functionTwo() from functionOne() because the thread would have to wait for the lock...which it holds itself.

Deadlock, of course, is the evil situation in which Thread 1 holds lock A and is waiting for lock B while Thread 2 holds lock B and is waiting for lock A. Thus, neither can continue. This code sample creates a deadlock:

public synchronized void deadlock() throws InterruptedException {
    Thread th = new Thread() {
        public void run() {


The calling thread tries to wait around for the spawned thread, which in turn can't call deadlock() until the caller has exited. Ka-boom!

like image 108
stevevls Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
