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How to write tag in my spring project?

I want to write my tag (extends TagSupport) in my spring framework. In my tag class, will use some service which should auto inject by spring. But I always get null, seems spring can't inject service instance in my tag class.

The code is like the following:

public class FetchTagNameTag extends TagSupport {

   private TaskService taskService;

taskService is always null.

How can I resolve this? Thanks.

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Tom Avatar asked Oct 13 '10 14:10


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3 Answers

Have a try by utilizing RequestContextAwareTag. It will offer you methods to obtain RequestContext and then WebApplicaitonContext. Have a look at here.

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Steinway Wu Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

Steinway Wu

JSP tag objects are not managed by Spring, they are managed by the servlet container. As a result, you cannot autowire stuff into your tags.

If you need to get hold of beans from the spring appcontext, then your Spring MVC controller needs to set the bean as a request attribute (using request.setAttribute()), so that the tag object can get hold of it.

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skaffman Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09


Annotate your Tag-Implementation with @Configurable and add <context:component-scan base-package="your.webapp"> to your Spring-Configuration.

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Kai Moritz Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Kai Moritz