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Redux Dev Tool in Chrome throwing odd error



When debugging my Redux store (running React) I keep getting this message

apologies:"Serializing our large state kept crashing redux devtools. I hope to bring it back someday, but for now you can see the state by using TS.redux.getState() in the console"

Has any one else seen this ?

And at the risk of being stupid I then run TS.redux.getState() in the console and get

VM1468:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: TS is not defined at :1:1

Any ideas why this is happening, besides what is said in the message.

As far as I'm aware I'm running to latest Chrome Add on v2.15.1

like image 267
Rory Avatar asked Oct 25 '17 19:10


People also ask

How do I debug Redux in Chrome?

From the navigation bar within the Chrome developer tools, you can find the Redux DevTools by selecting the new Redux panel, made available by the Redux DevTools Chrome extension (figure 3.5).

Why Redux is not showing in Chrome?

The fix: Head over to Redux DevTools from the Chrome instance running the debug localhost server, and hit Remove from Chrome then Install. And you should have Redux DevTools in your Chrome inspect.

What is redux in Chrome?

Purpose​ The Redux core library is deliberately unopinionated. It lets you decide how you want to handle everything, like store setup, what your state contains, and how you want to build your reducers. This is good in some cases, because it gives you flexibility, but that flexibility isn't always needed.

How do I disable Redux DevTools in Chrome?

If you don't want to allow the extension in production, just use 'redux-devtools-extension/developmentOnly' instead of 'redux-devtools-extension'.

1 Answers

I believe you're looking at the Slack app store and not your own Redux store.

If you are using Redux Dev Tools you can select which instance you are pointing to with the top right dropdown:

enter image description here

like image 147
Haroun Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
