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How does one unit test Redux set up with Redux Tool Kit's 'createSlice'?

I'm looking into how to unit test the Redux code for our project using Jest. I've been reading through the 'official' Redux recommendations, but our code differs from the Redux setup they're referencing since we used the Redux Tool Kit (RTK) and 'createSlice', which automates some of the process, such as action creator creation. How do we unit test the Redux created by the RTK and createSlice? Since, for instance, the action creators are created automatically, does testing them make any sense? In general, since much of the RTK setup is automatic, what do we need to test? Does the Redux Tool Kit have any tools to make this easier? (I do not see any).

In addition, we also have Redux Thunks, which we've set up 'by hand'. We see what the Redux documentation recommends, but with reference to the above, should we handle this testing differently since we set up the main Redux using the RTK and createSlice?

Finally, the API calls on which the Redux depends run through Apollo Client. I see Apollo´s recommendations on how to test React with the React client. To test Redux, should we mock the Apollo Client using something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/mock-apollo-client ?

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Cerulean Avatar asked May 20 '20 09:05


People also ask

What is createSlice in Redux toolkit?

A function that accepts an initial state, an object of reducer functions, and a "slice name", and automatically generates action creators and action types that correspond to the reducers and state. This API is the standard approach for writing Redux logic.

Can you use Redux toolkit with Redux?

Note that you are not required to use Redux Toolkit to use Redux. There are many existing applications that use other Redux wrapper libraries, or write all Redux logic "by hand", and if you still prefer to use a different approach, go ahead! However, we strongly recommend using Redux Toolkit for all Redux apps.

Will Redux toolkit replace Redux?

There is no difference between using Redux or Redux Toolkit in regards to React. That is the separate react-redux package you have to use in both cases. The difference between the two is the amount and safety of non-React-related code. thanks, @phry and hyetigran for the correction.

2 Answers

There's never been any real benefit in testing plain action creators yourself. Verifying that addTodo("buy milk") returns {type: "todos/addTodo", payload: "buy milk"} does not give me any real confidence that my app is behaving correctly.

Testing reducers is the same as it's always been: const actual = reducer(testState, someAction), and expect(actual).toEqual(expected).

Testing thunks may or may not be of actual benefit. In particular, if you're using RTK's createAsyncThunk API, there probably isn't much point to testing those since the majority of the logic is from RTK itself.

(Note that there's an open PR to rework that Redux testing docs page.)

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markerikson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09


You can import the actions into your test file just like you import inside your component.

import { setApiInProgress } from '../src/blom/redux/api/apislice'

describe('actions', () => {
    it('should create an action to add a todo', () => {
      const payload = false
      const expectedAction = {
        type: 'api/setApiInProgress',
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NaniDKnight Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
