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Reducing binary patterns in Python



I've got what I think is a somewhat interesting problem, even just from a programming exercise point of view.

I have a long list of binary patterns that I want to reduce into a more compact form to present to users. The notation to be followed is that a '-' can represent either a '1' or a '0', so ['1011','1010'] could be represented by ['101-'] and

['1100', '1000', '0100', '0000', '1111', '1011', '0111', '0011']

could be represented by ['--00', '--11']. Note all patterns are always the same length (though quite possibly longer than 4 bits).

Expanding the patterns is fairly trivial, reducing them is a bit trickier.

I've come up with some code that accomplishes this, but it is long, slow, and kind of hard to read.

def reducePatterns(patterns):
    '''Reduce patterns into compact dash notation'''
    newPatterns = []  #reduced patterns
    matched = []      #indexes with a string that was already matched
    for x,p1 in enumerate(patterns):    #pattern1
        if x in matched: continue       #skip if this pattern has already been matched
        for y,p2 in enumerate(patterns[x+1:],1):
            if x+y in matched: continue #skip if this pattern has already been matched
            diffs=0     # number of differences found
            for idx,bit in enumerate(zip(p1,p2)):
                if bit[0] != bit [1]:     #count the number of bits that a different
                    diffs += 1
                    dbit  = idx
                if diffs >1:break
            if diffs ==1:   #if exactly 1 bit is different between the two, they can be compressed together
        if x not in matched: newPatterns.append(p1) #if the pattern wasn't matched, just append it as is.

    if matched:         #if reductions occured on this run, then call again to check if more are possible.
        newPatterns = reducePatterns(newPatterns)

    return newPatterns

Does anyone out there have suggestions for a better/more efficient way to do this? More effective looping/use of iterators? Regex magic? Some bitwise manipulation package I've been missing? something a little bit more readable at least?

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TheONP Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 19:02


2 Answers

What you are looking for is Quine–McCluskey algorithm implementation in Python.

A quick google took me to this SO Page Quine-McCluskey algorithm in Python

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Abhijit Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 04:10


I haven't tested this thoroughly (and it uses recursion in a probably-not-very-efficient way), but it seems to work, and at least meets your "more readable" criterion:

from itertools import combinations

def collapse(binaries):
    result = set(binaries)
    for b1, b2 in combinations(result, 2): 
        for i in range(len(b1)):
            if b1[:i] + b1[i+1:] == b2[:i] + b2[i+1:]:
                merged = "-".join([b1[:i], b1[i+1:]])
                return sorted(collapse(result ^ {b1, b2, merged}))
    return sorted(result)


>>> collapse(['1100', '1000', '0100', '0000', '1111', '1011', '0111', '0011'])
['--00', '--11']

>>> collapse(["00", "01", "10", "11"])

>>> collapse(["011", "101", "111"])
['-11', '101']
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Zero Piraeus Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 05:10

Zero Piraeus