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Reducing a list of UnaryOperators in Java 8

What is the preferred way of reducing a list of UnaryOperators in Java 8 till they represent one UnaryOperator that I can call apply on? For example I have the following

interface MyFilter extends UnaryOperator<MyObject>{};

public MyObject filterIt(List<MyFilter> filters,MyObject obj){
Optional<MyFilter> mf = filters
                           .reduce( (f1,f2)->(MyFilter)f1.andThen(f2));

return mf.map(f->f.apply(obj)).orElse(obj);


But this code throws a ClassCastException at (MyFilter)f1.andThen(f2). I really want the effect of this code in the end:

MyObject o = obj;
for(MyFilter f:filters){
  o = f.apply(o);
return o;

But I am also curious of how we can reduce a collection of functions to one function, using compose or andThen.

like image 698
ABT Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 03:06


People also ask

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The unary operators require only one operand; they perform various operations such as incrementing/decrementing a value by one, negating an expression, or inverting the value of a boolean. The increment/decrement operators can be applied before (prefix) or after (postfix) the operand.

2 Answers

MyFilter inherits the method andThen from Function and therefore the returned type is Function and cannot be cast to MyFilter. But since it has the desired function signature, you can create the MyFilter instance using a lambda or method reference.

E.g. change (f1,f2)->(MyFilter)f1.andThen(f2) to (f1,f2)-> f1.andThen(f2)::apply.

With this change the entire method looks like:

public static MyObject filterIt(List<MyFilter> filters, MyObject obj) {
    Optional<MyFilter> mf =
      filters.stream().reduce( (f1,f2)-> f1.andThen(f2)::apply);
    return mf.map(f->f.apply(obj)).orElse(obj);

But you should rethink your design. There is no need to have the resulting function to be an instance of MyFilter, in fact, even the input can be relaxed to accept more than just List<MyFilter>:

// will accept List<MyFilter> as input
public static MyObject filterIt(
 List<? extends Function<MyObject,MyObject>> filters, MyObject obj) {
   List<Function<MyObject,MyObject>> l=Collections.unmodifiableList(filters);
   Optional<Function<MyObject,MyObject>> mf=l.stream().reduce(Function::andThen);
   return mf.orElse(Function.identity()).apply(obj);

or, using Stuart Marks’ hint for getting rid of the Optional:

// will accept List<MyFilter> as input
public static MyObject filterIt(
  List<? extends Function<MyObject,MyObject>> filters,MyObject obj) {
    List<Function<MyObject,MyObject>> l=Collections.unmodifiableList(filters);
    return l.stream().reduce(Function.identity(), Function::andThen).apply(obj);

Just for completeness, alternatively you could chain your MyFilters on a stream rather than composing a new function:

public static MyObject filterIt2(List<MyFilter> filters,MyObject obj) {
    Stream<MyObject> s=Stream.of(obj);
    for(MyFilter f: filters) s=s.map(f);
    return s.findAny().get();
like image 136
Holger Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10


You can do a cast to Function<?, ?> before doing the reduction:

interface MyFilter extends UnaryOperator<MyObject>{};

Function<MyObject, MyObject> mf = filters.stream()
    .map(f -> (Function<MyObject, MyObject>) f)
    .reduce(Function.identity(), Function::compose);

This lets you use the Function.identity() and Function::compose methods, avoiding the need to reimplement them in your interface (like Stuart Marks suggested).

The cast is always safe because its up/widening.

like image 43
wilmol Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10
