Is there a function in R that produces the reduced row echelon form
of a matrix?. This reference says there isn't. Do you agree?
Definition of reduced row echelon form Definition We say that a matrix is in reduced row echelon form if and only if it is in row echelon form, all its pivots are equal to 1 and the pivots are the only non-zero entries of the basic columns.
Essentially the difference between the two forms is that the reduced echelon form has 1 as a leading entry, and the column of the leading entry has 0's below and above. The pivot position is just the leading entries of the echelon form matrix. The pivot column is the column of the pivot position.
A matrix is in a reduced column echelon form (RCEF) if it is in CEF and, additionally, any row containing the leading one of a column consists of all zeros except this leading one. In examples of matrices in CEF above, first and third matrices are in RCEF, and the second is not.
The row echelon or the column echelon form of a matrix is important because it lets you easily determine if the system of linear equations corresponding to the augmented matrix is solvable.
I don't have enough rep to comment, but the function given above by soldier.moth in the accepted answer [edit 2018: no longer the accepted answer] is buggy - it doesn't handle matrices where the RREF solution has zeroes on its main diagonal. Try e.g.
m<-matrix(c(1,0,1,0,0,2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=2) rref(m)
and note that the output is not in RREF.
I think I have it working, but you may want to check outputs for yourself:
rref <- function(A, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),verbose=FALSE,
## A: coefficient matrix
## tol: tolerance for checking for 0 pivot
## verbose: if TRUE, print intermediate steps
## fractions: try to express nonintegers as rational numbers
## Written by John Fox
# Modified by Geoffrey Brent 2014-12-17 to fix a bug
if (fractions) {
mass <- require(MASS)
if (!mass) stop("fractions=TRUE needs MASS package")
if ((!is.matrix(A)) || (!is.numeric(A)))
stop("argument must be a numeric matrix")
n <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
# change loop:
while((x.position<=m) & (y.position<=n)){
col <- A[,x.position]
col[1:n < y.position] <- 0
# find maximum pivot in current column at or below current row
which <- which.max(abs(col))
pivot <- col[which]
if (abs(pivot) <= tol) x.position<-x.position+1 # check for 0 pivot
if (which > y.position) { A[c(y.position,which),]<-A[c(which,y.position),] } # exchange rows
A[y.position,]<-A[y.position,]/pivot # pivot
row <-A[y.position,]
A <- A - outer(A[,x.position],row) # sweep
A[y.position,]<-row # restore current row
if (verbose)
if (fractions) print(fractions(A))
else print(round(A,round(abs(log(tol,10)))))
for (i in 1:n)
if (max(abs(A[i,1:m])) <= tol)
A[c(i,n),] <- A[c(n,i),] # 0 rows to bottom
if (fractions) fractions (A)
else round(A, round(abs(log(tol,10))))
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