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Redis script to return an average




I'm writing a LUA script in redis to return the result of the division of two keys (XXX_COUNT and XXX_TOTAL) already stored or 0 if any of the key doesn't exists. The code for the script is as follows:

    local count = redis.call("GET", KEYS[1]..'_COUNT')
    local total = redis.call("GET", KEYS[1]..'_TOTAL')
    if not count or not total then
        return 0
        return tonumber(total)/tonumber(count)

The problem is that when the script returns "tonumber(total)/tonumber(count)" it's value is always 0, already checked the keys and they have non zero values stored as strings in redis. What is wrong with this script?

Thanks in advance!

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Sergio Ayestarán Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 22:04

Sergio Ayestarán

1 Answers

I've found the solution, I needed to convert the result to string before returning it:

    local count = redis.call("GET", KEYS[1]..'_COUNT')
    local total = redis.call("GET", KEYS[1]..'_TOTAL')
    if not count or not total then
        return 0
        local avg = tonumber(total)/tonumber(count)
        return tostring(avg)

Hope it helps somebody!

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Sergio Ayestarán Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Sergio Ayestarán