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Redirect all output to file using Bash on Linux? [duplicate]

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How do I redirect all output to a file in Linux?

Detail description of redirection operator in Unix/Linux.The > operator redirects the output usually to a file but it can be to a device. You can also use >> to append.

How do I redirect a output to a file in Bash?

For utilizing the redirection of bash, execute any script, then define the > or >> operator followed by the file path to which the output should be redirected. “>>” operator is used for utilizing the command's output to a file, including the output to the file's current contents.

How can I redirect stdout and stderr to same file?

Understanding the concept of redirections and file descriptors is very important when working on the command line. To redirect stderr and stdout , use the 2>&1 or &> constructs.

How do I copy a stdout to a file?

the shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + S ; it allows the output to be saved as a text file, or as HTML including colors!

you can use this syntax to redirect all output stderr and stdout to stdout.txt

<cmd> <args> > allout.txt 2>&1 

Though not POSIX, bash 4 has the &> operator:

command &> alloutput.txt

If the server is started on the same terminal, then it's the server's stderr that is presumably being written to the terminal and which you are not capturing.

The best way to capture everything would be to run:

script output.txt

before starting up either the server or the client. This will launch a new shell with all terminal output redirected out output.txt as well as the terminal. Then start the server from within that new shell, and then the client. Everything that you see on the screen (both your input and the output of everything writing to the terminal from within that shell) will be written to the file.

When you are done, type "exit" to exit the shell run by the script command.

You can execute a subshell and redirect all output while still putting the process in the background:

( ./script.sh blah > ~/log/blah.log 2>&1 ) &
echo $! > ~/pids/blah.pid

I had trouble with a crashing program *cough PHP cough* Upon crash the shell it was ran in reports the crash reason, Segmentation fault (core dumped)

To avoid this output not getting logged, the command can be run in a subshell that will capture and direct these kind of output:

sh -c 'your_command' > your_stdout.log 2> your_stderr.err
# or
sh -c 'your_command' > your_stdout.log 2>&1

Proper answer is here: http://scratching.psybermonkey.net/2011/02/ssh-how-to-pipe-output-from-local-to.html

your_command | ssh username@server "cat > filename.txt"