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Redefining imported jinja macros



Let's say I have this template with macros (these are simplified):

{# macros.html #}
{% macro a(opts = {}) %}
   {{ opts.a }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro b(opts = {}) %}
   {{ opts.b }}
{% endmacro %}

and this one which contains the override

{# macros_override.html #}
{% macro a(opts = {}) %}
    Overridden: {{ opts.a }}
{% endmacro %}

And then I want to have a template with all these macros under the same namespace macros

{# template.html #}
{% import 'macros.html' as macros %}
{% import 'macros_override.html' as macros %}

{{ macros.a({ 'a': 'foo' }) }}
{{ macros.b({ 'b': 'bar' }) }}

and the output I expect:

Overridden: foo

But b is undefined. I tried to change macros_override.html template to be like this:

{# macros_override.html #}
{% extends 'macros.html' %}
{% macro a(opts = {}) %}
    Overridden: {{ opts.a }}
{% endmacro %}

and then import only override template as macros but macro a isn't overridden in this case and I don't really know why.

Can I override imported macro in jinja through another import somehow?

like image 783
vxsx Avatar asked Oct 27 '14 07:10


1 Answers

So with the help of my colleague, I figured it out.

the parent template evaluated after the child one

that means if you want to use second option you just have to check the macro for existence in parent template.

Works like this:

{# macros.html #}
{% if not a %}
{% macro a(opts = {}) %}
   {{ opts.a }}
{% endmacro %}
{% endif %}

{% if not b %}
{% macro b(opts = {}) %}
   {{ opts.b }}
{% endmacro %}
{% endif %}

and this one which contains the override

{# macros_override.html #}
{% extends 'macros.html' %}
{% if not a %}{# I repeat here in case there's gonna be a double extend #}
{% macro a(opts = {}) %}
    Overridden: {{ opts.a }}
{% endmacro %}
{% endif %}

and the just import them like this

{# template.html #}
{% import 'macros_override.html' as macros %}

{{ macros.a({ 'a': 'foo' }) }}
{{ macros.b({ 'b': 'bar' }) }}

and it outputs as expected

Overridden: foo
like image 161
vxsx Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 15:12
