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Recursive feedback in Karplus-Strong Algo - arrows

I am trying to implement the simplest version of Karplus-Strong algorithm using Euterpea:

schematic of KS algorithm

My code: 0.7 seconds of white noise burst

burst :: AudSF () Double
burst = proc () -> do 
   burstEnv <- envLineSeg [1,1,0,0] [0.7, 0, 9.3] -< ()
   noise <- noiseWhite 42 -< ()
   outA -< burstEnv * noise

problematic part:

karplus :: AudSF Double Double
karplus = proc input -> do 
  rec  filtered <- filterLowPass -< (delayed, 2000)
       delayed <- delayLine 0.7 -< filtered + input      
  outA -< filtered + input

test1 function should create a file of 10 seconds with a few cycles:

test1 = outFile "test1.wav" 10 $ burst >>> karplus

As far as I know the feedback loop should run on and on and on.

The problem is the input is only delayed and filtered once. It's not fed to the loop again.

I suspect that the problem lies in my not understanding lazy evaluation or value passing.

like image 241
Lovaz Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 16:10


1 Answers

The problem is not lazy evaluation or recursive arrows; rather, it's that filterLowPass doesn't behave nice on burst: it becomes NaN after the burst finishes.

We can see that by running it e.g. in GHCi:

λ» take 15 $ drop 30870 $ Control.SF.SF.run (strip $ burst >>> arr (,2000) >>> filterLowPass) $ repeat ()

I strongly suspect it is because burst itself behaves strangely near its end:

λ» take 15 $ drop 30870 $ Control.SF.SF.run (strip $ burst) $ repeat ()

My suggestion is to fix burst so that it doesn't generate a NaN at its end, and then see if that fixes everything. The 0/-0 oscillation is probably harmless.

Attempt at fixing

I have no idea about either Euterpea or sound synthesis; however, by using a very short, but non-0 transition time from 1 to 0 for burstEnv, I was able to get rid of the NaNs. By further reducing the length of the burst and the delay line, I think I got something which is close to the desired "string-like" sound:

burst :: AudSF () Double
burst = proc () -> do
   burstEnv <- envLineSeg [1,1,0,0] [0.01, 0.000001, 9.3] -< ()
   noise <- noiseWhite 42 -< ()
   outA -< burstEnv * noise

karplus :: AudSF Double Double
karplus = proc input -> do
    rec delayed <- delayLine 0.01 -< filtered + input
        filtered <- filterLowPass -< (delayed, 2000)
    outA -< filtered + input
like image 143
Cactus Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
