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Recursion with C




I have the code below to reverse a string recursively, it works when I print the chars after the recursion is finished, but I can not figure out how to assemble the reverse chars into a string and return them reversed to the caller. Anyone have an idea? I don't want to add another parameter to accumulate chars, just this way, this is not homework, I am brushing up on small things since I will be graduating in a year and need to do well on interviews.

char* reversestring5(char* s)

    int i = 0;
    //Not at null terminator

        //advance the pointer

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Dixon Steel Avatar asked Aug 03 '14 16:08

Dixon Steel

People also ask

What is recursion in C with example?

In C Programming, if a function calls itself from inside, the same function is called recursion. The function which calls itself is called a recursive function, and the function call is termed a recursive call. The recursion is similar to iteration but more complex to understand.

Can you use recursion in C?

The C programming language supports recursion, i.e., a function to call itself. But while using recursion, programmers need to be careful to define an exit condition from the function, otherwise it will go into an infinite loop.

What is recursion in C and types?

Recursion are mainly of two types depending on whether a function calls itself from within itself or more than one function call one another mutually. The first one is called direct recursion and another one is called indirect recursion.

Where recursion is used in C?

Recursion is the technique of making a function call itself. This technique provides a way to break complicated problems down into simple problems which are easier to solve.

1 Answers

With a recursive function, it's usually easiest to first figure out how to solve a trivial case (e.g. reversing a string with just a pair of characters) and then see how one might divide up the the problem into simple operations culminating with the trivial case. For example one might do this:

This is the actual recursive function:

char *revrecurse(char *front, char *back)
    if (front < back) {
        char temp = *front;
        *front = *back;
        *back = temp;
        revrecurse(front+1, back-1);
    return front;

This part just uses the recursive function:

char *reverse(char *str)
    return revrecurse(str, &str[strlen(str)-1]);

Note that this assumes that the pointer is valid and that it points to a NUL-terminated string.

If you're going to actually reverse the characters, you can either provide a pair of pointers and recursively swap letters (which is what this routine does) or copy the characters one at a time into yet another space. That's essentially what your original code is doing; copying each character at a time to stdout which is a global structure that is not explicitly passed but is being used by your routine. The analog to that approach, but using pointers might look like this:

#define MAXSTRINGLEN 200

char revbuf[MAXSTRINGLEN];
char *refptr = revbuf;

char *revstring(char *s)
    if (*s != 0)
        *refptr++ = *s;    /* copy non-NUL characters */
    } else {
        *refptr++ = '\0';  /* copy NUL character */
    return revbuf;

In this minor modification to your original code, you can now see the reliance of this approach on global variables revbuf and refptr which were hidden inside stdout in your original code. Obviously this is not even close to optimized -- it's intended solely for explanatory purposes.

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Edward Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
